2007年3月15日 星期四

Ahtong 's Birthday

Balla and Fung were so concentrated in the party, that was at 11:30pm!

They are so happy to play with Jadyn.

Jadyn is singing the birthday song too.

Although Ahtong is sick, she plays happily.

We have been friends for 11 years!!! Wow!

Jadyn was so happy to see Kai Mother birthday.

That night, we were so happy and of course ahtong was happy too!

I have got a lovely family!

I have recovered more and more. Life goes on and I still keep myself working and enjoying the school day. Here are some pictures of my family.....

2007年3月14日 星期三

Don't take too much time to play games!

Last Sunday, I was talking with my wife about playing TV games. I am so sad and so glad to hear her feeling. I always review myself and I think I am not TV game adicted, however I am and I don't know I have already been one!

After hearing my wife's advice, I think I am not a good husband and father. I hate myself even I cannot forgive myself either. I can't acceplt myself in these days.

Painful....., I work on my own without soul. Wanner to cry but I can't cos I have to be like a tough guy. I wanner to die but I have no guts, I wanner to overcome the time but I am a emotional people. I am so PAINFUL!!!!!!! I hate WII and PS3! My Lord, please help!

Four days has gone! I'm still like this,.... getting better, .......better......

I am fine , thank you! I come from Mei Foo.

2007年2月20日 星期二

我要作個好爸爸, 好丈夫, 好老師!

年30 看完《翻生侏羅館》(Night at the Museum),自己不奇然覺得此片不單有最炫目的視覺特技效果及奇幻冒險旅程元素,讓想像力十足的世界真實地呈現眼前,而且從 待業中的雙失中年拉利終於找到一份工作,就是進入「美國自然歷史博物館」當上夜班守衛的一角中 看到拉利做人的無奈及前妻給自己對與兒子相處的壓力。事出突然,拉利唯一能信任的,就是前總統蠟像羅斯福。在其協助下,拉利每晚都運用機智和膽色,應付這群難纏活標本,搶救幾乎解體的博物館──目的,又豈只保住飯碗咁簡單?

還記得總統蠟像羅斯福對拉利的一夕話--------"... 你要自己面對自己的事及問題,毋人幫助你的..." "Everyone can be someone!"

I hope we think about the film while you are watching it! It really helps!